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Make a TRANSFER to register as a member

IRIS Social and Cultural Promotion Association

PIVA/ C.F. 92074300135

- INTESA SANPAOLO IBAN - Bank transfer Italy


- Online PayPal


As a reason, it is necessary to indicate “name, surname, registration (or renewal) 2024, the country”

quotas per calendar year:

Ordinary member 200€

Member under 35 years 150€

Supporting Member 350€

VIP Leader member 550€ (with access to the presidency of the country/management area)

Registration entitles you to free access to our training and mentoring and tutoring courses, access to IRIS events and volunteer projects, and offers the opportunity to become an operational part of the IRIS organization, plus you will have the opportunity to be interviewed by ours

President Irina Tirdea, internationally renowned journalist on the IRIS TV television channel. ==

Become IRIS VIP Member

550,00 €Preis
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